Craig Hockenberry: The Development of Core Values

By Craig Hockenberry

Leading a school district without identified Core Values is like flying a plane without instruments.  When I arrived as the Superintendent of Three Rivers I was caught off guard about how little the district had identified goals, mission, vision, and core values.  Core values are the pillars that your organization is founded upon and what drives the work that you do every day at the board, district, and building level.  I knew this was going to be a huge task ahead and required some strategy that I knew I was going to need help to complete. 

I reached out to a community member who owned a company called, Seek who worked with many companies throughout the United States on core values and other leadership work.  I took our entire team off campus to the Cincinnati Observatory on a Sunday and we turned this day into one of the more productive days I have had at Three Rivers.  We broke into groups of three and four and spread throughout the observatory and spent hours upon hours reaching deep inside everything we knew about Three Rivers to develop three lasting core values that we could present to the Board of Education, the staff, students, and community.  The team was incredible and so focused.  The day was filled with mnay ups and downs, but we stayed focused. 

By the end of the day we had our first rough draft of the potential Three Rivers Core Values:

Inspire Innovation

Cultivate Excellence

Nature Inclusion

Once we were complete our next steps included months and months of engagement with staff, students, community leaders, alumni, supporters and friends.  I went to every community council Cleves, Miami Township, Addyston, and North Bend and presented to the communities to engage our supporters and seek feedback.  I did breakfast, lunches, coffees, and dinners across the west side of Cincinnati with key stakeholders and got the much need feedback. During these meetings I could feel the excitement and realized the next steps was going to be the development of the district’s first strategic plan. 


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