Saturday, May 14th



Good Evening everyone- (By Craig Hockenberry)


I’m so honored to have an opportunity to say a few words tonight in support of such an incredible organization like Crayons to Computers.


I would to thank Susan Frankel for her leadership and the remarkable people on your team and for the incredible work that comes out of Crayons to Computers. 


Also, I would like to take a moment to thank a few organizations that are important to Crayons to Computers: CRAIG D. HOCKENBERRY


RiverPoint Financial Management (Presenting sponsor this evening)

Messer Construction-A longtime partner of Crayons to Computers

TriVersity Construction

Mitsubishi Electric



Pro Bono


And these are just to name a few.  CRAIG D. HOCKENBERRY







This organization gets it right on so many levels.  They have clearly agreed upon a common North Star and they are following it. 


This weekend is really challenging for me.  My wife is out of town. I have three kids that have to be in 3 different locations all at the same. CRAIG D HOCKENBERRY


So, when Susan asked me to say a few words, I could have easily given her 10 reasons why I could not make it. 


It would have been easy to do so. CRAIG HOCKENBERRY


But, instead I would like to focus on the 10 reasons why I had to be here tonight. 


So here they are…(CRAIG HOCKENBERRY)


The 10 reasons why I have to be here and why I’m glad you are as well. 


Although in no particular order… CRAIG D. HOCKENBERRY


10. When I was the principal at Oyler School my staff made hundreds of visits to Crayons to Computers. They brought back close to a million dollars’ worth of school supplies over the 15 years I was there… (I’ll say that again…almost a million dollars) CRAIG D. HOCKENBERRY


9.  When I was the Superintendent of Manchester Local Schools we were 80 miles from Crayons to Computers, located in Ohio’s most rural school district.  The distance made it impossible to send staff here. So, Crayons to Computers drove a mobile unit to us and made it possible for all of our teachers to shop.  (Talk about service)


8. Crayons to Computers is a poverty interrupter.  Every minute counts in poverty and Crayons to Computers buys us time and saves us money.


7.  Crayons to Computers has a dynamic system and process to deliver on their mission.  Schedules, procedures, and rules allow thousands of people to be impacted by this organization. CRAIG HOCKENBERRY


6. Sustainability: Everybody has an idea on how to impact students in poverty and some of them are great. However, more than a few of them fail because they are not able to sustain themselves.  When they fail it hurts the kids.  With Crayons to Computers the sustainability has been amazingly strong since it started in 1997. This means that the program has been successfully helping teachers and students for 19 years!


5. You will never beat their prices! CRAIG D. HOCKENBERRY


4. If you have ever had to balance public school budgets you would know all to well that in times of deficits the first thing to go are typically instructional supplies. 


3. Not having proper supplies in high poverty areas is extremely disruptive to instruction.  It alters planning, limits creativity, and can reduce engagement.


2. Impacts student achievement.  Preparing and being prepared for instruction go together.  You cannot separate the two. 


1. If you look at 100 studies about how to pull kids out of poverty I would guess that all of them would lead you back to the importance of a great education.  So if we do not prepare kids with the basic supplies they need to be successful for the #1 way we can pull them out of poverty I’m not too sure how we will ever stop the cycle?



In closing, on behalf of all the staff, children and communities that have used Crayons to Computers please accept our thank you for everything you do. 


This was never about a Crayon nor was it about a computer, but more about good than anything else…


I leave you with a quote from Larry Miller- that reminds me of Crayons to Computers….


“Go out into the world and do good until there is too much good in the world”




Thank you all again for allowing me to say a few words.  Enjoy your evening.




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